Save the Date: The All Texas Writers and Illustrators Conference is Coming!

May 04, 2024 - May 05, 2024

Austin Marriott North, 2600 La Frontera Blvd, Round Rock, TX 78681


Hold your horses! We know you want us to spill all the beans, but we can't be waggin' our tongues just yet. Keep yer eyes on this site though. We'll be checkin' back soon enough.

Can y’all keep a secret?

Well, we can’t neither.

We’re so excited to tell y’all all about the Texas-wide Writers and Illustrators Conference we’ll be putin’ on next year.

That’s right. We’ll all be coming together in Central Texas, to throw the biggest conference this here state’s ever seen. A conference as big as the state of Texas.

For now though, we can’t let too much slip. Just know we’re workin’ at bringin’ y’all the kind of high quality craft classes and networking opportunities you’ve come to expect from your regional SCBWI conferences. 

So, y’all just save the dates:

May 4-5, 2024

And hang on tight til we can slip y’all a l’il bit more information.

In the meantime, if you’re havin’ to mosey on down to Central Texas in May and would like to go on and make yourself a reservation or two at this here conference hotel, we’re sure they’d be right obliged to help you.

Til then, you just check on back here in a bit, and we’re sure to have some excitin’ news to share!

We’ll keep a spot waitin’ for ya!