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Our Team

May 19, 2023

SCBWI AZ Regional Team Members

Sharon Skinner
Regional Advisor
Tanja Bauerle
Assistant Regional Advisor
Michael Hale
Illustrator Coordinator

Appointed by SCBWI Headquarters

Regional Advisor – Sharon Skinner

Assistant Regional Advisor – Tanja Bauerle

Illustrator Coordinator – Michael Hale

Regional Advisor Emeritus – Dawn Dixon, RAE

Regional Volunteers Appointed by the Regional Advisor

Dianne White
Author, Educator
Kim Tomsic
Author, Educator
Kathie McMahon
Shazia Rehman
Ebonie Fields
Author, Illustrator
Todd Gordon
Karen Chow

Regional Volunteers Appointed by the Regional Advisor

P.A.L. Coordinator - Kim Tomsic

P.A.L. Coordinator - Dianne White

Spark Coordinator Co-Lead - Kathie McMahon

Spark Coordinator Co-Lead - Shazia Rehman 

Equity & Inclusion Team Co-Leader - Eboniè P. Fields

Equity & Inclusion Team Co-Leader - Karen Chow

KidLit Mingle Host Coordinator - Kathie McMahon

Social Media Coordinator - Todd Gordon

KidLit Mingle Hosts

Lori Alexander
Allison Fraclose
Angela Morrison
Kathie McMahon
Lucia Munguia
Fawzia Tung
Author, Illustrator

KidLit Mingle Hosts appointed by the Regional Advisor

Ask Us Anything KidLit Mingle – Lori Alexander

Ask Us Anything KidLit Mingle – Allison Fraclose

Ask Us Anything KidLit Mingle – Lucy Munguia

Show and Tell KidLit Mingle – Angela Morrison

Craft Club KidLit Mingle - Kathie McMahon

Book Look Mingle - Fawzia Tung

Book Look Mingle - Patricia Franz

Member volunteers are recruited, appointed, and coordinated by the Regional Advisor.

Active member volunteers are integral to our region's success.

For details and to apply, please email arizona-ra@scbwi.org with the subject line SCBWI AZ Volunteer.