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Oregon - Regional Team

Contact us by email!

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Regional Advisor

Laura wrote her first picture book in high school, “My Tummy Grumble,” but never considered writing professionally. Based on her first attempt, she believes that was a good thing. That all changed in 2005 when she joined the SCBWI. She now writes picture books and young adult novels and has sold her work to Highlights and The Friend magazines. She has 5 children, 2 cats, 1 husband, and no room left on her bookshelves. Contact: oregon-ra2@scbwi.org.

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Assistant Regional Advisor

Lisa is a writer, muralist, and children’s art teacher. She spent ten years traveling and volunteering before settling down with her Dutch husband and three kids in Silverton, Oregon. She enjoys gorging on berries, walking behind waterfalls, and wholeheartedly following new ideas that cross her path. Her recent fascinations include: haiku, fledgling scrub jays, and the French Revolution. Her debut middle-grade novel A MANY FEATHERED THING released from Capstone in March of 2020. Yay! Contact: oregon-ara@scbwi.org

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Illustrator Coord.

Robin is a multidisciplinary artist-educator: designer of stage and sculptural costumes, theater sets and museum exhibits. As the founder of Earth Arts NW (an eco-arts education project), she guided thousands of kids through the process of creating and sharing original stories, plays, and songs. She is a published author and illustrator and now supports the work of other artists through Dreaming Earth Press. Contact: oregon-ic@scbwi.org.

Advisory Committee

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Critique Group Coordinator

Leslie grew up in Woodinville, Washington. Her nonfiction picture book debut, A Stone is a Story, releases with Simon & Schuster/McElderry Books in 2023, and will be followed by the nonfiction picture book One Day This Tree Will Fall. She has contributed fiction, nonfiction, and poetry to Highlights, Highlights High Five and Ladybug Magazine, and holds an MS in education and an MFA in creative writing, both from the University of Oregon. When she’s not writing, Leslie can be found hiking, biking or foraging for mushrooms with her family. Contact: author@lesliebarnardbooth.com

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Great Critique Coordinator

Michelle Garcia Andersen was a teacher for several years and loved teaching kids to read. Now, she spends her days writing books for them to read. Michelle is passionate about children’s literacy. She writes for all ages for the educational market and for younger audiences for the trade market. She’s lived in southern Oregon for most of her life, loves the outdoors, and hikes regularly. She’s married and has three grown kids who visit often and fill her home with laughter. Michelle is grateful to be part of the Great Critique and appreciates the many friends she’s made through SCBWI. Contact: MichelleGarciaAndersen@gmail.com.

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Library/Bookstore Liaison

Deb is creatively inspired by little ones, life, love and nature, plus a sweet pastry, or two. “I write and draw both fiction and nonfiction from a kid’s eye view of the world. My debut picture book, Crow Spirit, was published in 2019 by Clear Fork Publishing! I love SCBWI and learn so much from all of you. Truly blessed and very grateful to be in this tribe of beautifully creative people.” You can also find her here: www.theydrawandcook.com/artists/deb-bartsch. Contact: debscasa.deb@gmail.com

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New Member Liaison

As New Member Liaison, Nina plans to gush gratitude for SCBWI (she’s been a member for over 20 years). At NinaNolanBooks.com, there’s information about her picture book, Mahalia Jackson: Walking with Kings and Queens (HarperCollins, 2015), including a 4-minute video of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s former speechwriter confirming that during the, “I Have a Dream,” speech, Mahalia Jackson called out, “Tell ‘em about the dream, Martin,” that he heard her, and that it changed the course of the historic speech. Contact: NinaNolan@Ymail.com

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Newsletter Designer

Laureen is a freelance developmental editor, proofreader, and certified copyeditor. She works with authors in children’s literature, creative nonfiction, poetry, and historical fiction. Laureen enjoys the collaborative work in book creation—using art, text, layout, and typography to tell the best story. When not working, you can find her hiking, gardening, or hanging with family and friends. Contact: laureenurey@gmail.com

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Newsletter Editor

Jessica is a former preschool teacher turned passionate children's book writer. She got her Bachelor of Arts degree in French from California State University Sacramento and taught French to young children for ten years before changing careers to focus on becoming an author. An active SCBWI and 12x12 Picture Book Challenge member since 2021, she is also a Children’s Book Academy, The Writing Barn, and Lyrical Language Lab graduate. Jessica has poems published in the online magazine The Dirigible Balloon and is currently on submission with her agent, Jonathan Rosen of The Seymour Agency. She resides in Beaverton, Oregon, with her husband and two cuddly cats. When not writing picture books and middle-grade novels, Jessica enjoys reading, hiking, playing board games, and traveling. Contact: jessicamilowriting@gmail.com

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Nonfiction Liaison

Author/illustrator, Diane joined SCBWI in 2006. Her love of nonfiction began as a child raised in a home where nonfiction fiction was a staple. Diane has always loved the outdoors and science. From 2011-2015, Diane was the Local Area Event coordinator for the Rocky Mountain Chapter of SCBWI for the Western Slope of Colorado. Diane has received merit-based awards/scholarships for her writing and photography from organizations including Oregon SCBWI, Highlights Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Her photography has been published with the National Park Service. Diane participates in two critique groups. A retired school counselor and art/yearbook teacher, Diane's skills support helping others grow their creative skills. Contact: dkhower@gmail.com

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This position is open! If you are interested in volunteering, click on “Additional Info” above to find out how to volunteer.

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WWA Clark County Liaison

This position is open! If you are interested in volunteering, click on “Additional Info” above to find out how to volunteer.

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Webinar Coordinator

Teresa lives in Newberg, where she watches coyotes hunt, looks under rocks, and pokes things with sticks. Her favorite things are kids’ imaginations, nature, music, writing, and of course, her family. A SCBWI picnic conversation led her to submit her manuscript to Scholastic Teaching Resources, which published two writing prompt books. Later a conversation at a SCBWI retreat turned her attention to nonfiction and then “work for hire.” She now has twelve more titles under her belt, with two more on the way. She can’t believe she gets paid to learn and write about all these cool animals! Find her on Instagram @teresaklepinger. Contact: t.klep@sterling.net

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Becky is an aspiring Author/Illustrator. She has a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education, a minor in Mathematics, and a certificate in Learning Experience Design. She is a former Montessori educator, a math nerd, and a mom. In between working on her writing and art skills, she loves reading aloud to borrowed children, cooking, and spending time with her family. She is also a current member of Storyteller Academy. Contact: beckylancekidlit2@gmail.com

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The Write Direction Coordinator

This position is open! If you are interested in volunteering, click on “Additional Info” above to find out how to volunteer.