Judith Politzer

Author, Illustrator
FULL Member


      From early childhood I loved becoming a part of the stories I wrote, as well as the characters I imagined and drew. Sometimes I would read my stories to the neighborhood kids. My wish was always to write and illustrate children's picture books. After I graduated from American University with a BFA, I was able to apply my creativity as a graphic designer.  When our sons were born, my idea for stories burst forth, as usually happens when you see the world through the eyes of a toddler. My career expanded to teaching art and Advanced Placement art history in a public high school. When I was listed in "Who's Who Among America's Teachers," I felt that my contribution of inspiring students to reach their potential was fulfilled. No matter how much time goes by, and our world becomes increasingly complex, we can continue to excite the imagination of children with our stories.In 2018 my children's alphabet picture booL FRACTURED NURSERY RHYMES,FAIRY TALES AND POTPOURRI was published. It was met with raves from all whohave read it. 



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