Crystal Kite Member Choice Awards

Peer-given award to recognize great books from fifteen SCBWI regional divisions around the world.


Crystal Kite Winners

Read about this year's Crystal Kite Award winners!

Submission guidelines


You must be a current member to nominate your book and at the time the award announcement is made. This award is open to SCBWI authors, illustrators, and translators.

Nominated books must be a PAL book first published within the previous calendar year.

Self-published books cannot be nominated.


Submission information for 2024 coming soon.

We have strict anti-spamming rules. Once your book is entered you may promote the Award, but not your specific title, on social media and to personal friends. You may not:

Send emails to people you do not know to promote your book.

Use the SCBWI messaging system to promote your book.

Use any SCBWI discussion board of listserv to promote your book.

Doing any of these will immediately flag your book for deletion in the Crystal Kite Awards.

Winners are announced in May in a press release and on the SCBWI website/social media. Winners receive a crystal, engraved kite award, an opportunity to present at a regional conference, a silver sticker for their winning book, and one winner will be chosen to present at the SCBWI Summer Conference.


United States:

Atlantic (Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, Washington DC, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland)

California, Hawaii

Midsouth (Kansas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana)

Midwest (Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio)

New England (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire. Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island)

New York

Southeast (Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama)

Southwest (Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Southern Idaho, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico)

Texas, Oklahoma

West (Washington, Northern Idaho, Oregon, Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota)


Australia, New Zealand


Europe, Latin America, Africa

Middle East, India, Asia

United Kingdom, Ireland