
Awards & Scholarships

Austin Awards and Outreach

One of the goals of the Austin SCBWI chapter is to inspire writers and illustrator of all ages to be their best. To that end, we’re thrilled to offer and be a part of these awards:

Austin SCBWI Cynthia Leitich Smith Writing Mentor Award

Named after one of the chapter’s co-founders, this award goes to an adult writer whose work is chosen for its professional level by the faculty members at the annual Austin SCBWI conference.

Austin SCBWI Emerging Voice Illustrator Mentorship

This mentorship is awarded at the annual conference Portfolio Showcase and the winner receives a year’s mentorship with a local published illustrator.

Austin SCBWI Scholarship for Creators of Diverse Worlds

This annual scholarship awards SCBWI-member writers and illustators with a scholarship for the chapter’s annual Writers & Illustrators Working Conference.

Austin SCBWI RA Scholarship

This annual scholarship, launched in 2019, is designed to provide guidance and opportunities to a writer who has a passion for creating children’s literature.

Carmen Oliver On-the-Verge Annual Austin SCBWI Conference Scholarship

The Carmen Oliver On-the-Verge Annual Austin SCBWI Conference Scholarship is awarded each year to a children’s book writer who has the passion and desire to pursue a career in this industry.

Austin SCBWI Meredith Davis Volunteer of the Year Award

Named after the chapter’s first Regional Advisor, this award goes to a dedicated volunteer who routinely goes over and above in their job.

Austin SCBWI Conference Portfolio Showcase Contest

Faculty at Austin SCBWI’s annual conference judge the entrants in the Portfolio Showcase, which is open to all illustrators.

Austin SCBWI Betty X. Davis Young Writers of Merit

Named after one of the chapters oldest supporters, this award goes to three young writers from Austin-area elementary, middle and high schools.